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Thunder aka Sexy aka The Wig = Rain (Peter Kwong)įollow us on Instagram for FREE bonus content Storms Key (yes we f*cked this up major): Hopefully we won't end up in the hell of upside down sinners. Join us on an Egg Shen (Victor Wong) tour on this fine warm day for Big Trouble In Little China.

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Wang Chi (Dennis Dun) walks up walls and shit, proving he is the real hero of this adventure. Lo Pan (James Hong) uses his spirit medium powders palette to transform Gracie Law (Kim Cattrall) and Miao Yin (Suzee Pai) into his green-eyed dream brides. Put on your utility Muk Luks (don't forget the boot knife) and your six demon bag because black magic is real. We find out what Jack Burton (Kurt Russell) always says in this action-packed John Carpenter cult classic. We managed to tame the savage heart and survive the burning blade in order to bring you this episode on time.

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