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Jason McNamara is a comic book writer and educator who lives in Portland Oregon with his wife, her girlfriend and their four dogs.

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Will this cautionary tale change how you think about Non-Monogamy? #CaughtInTheAct #Redhead #Cheating #Lawyer Wanna watch the Vintage video? It's here: So while his girlfriend leaves town to ponder their problems, Jason’s coworker Bridget shows up at his door in fishnets and a catholic school girl skirt, and suddenly his love life, home life, face and employment are changed forever. Have you ever found yourself wandering thru a bad neighborhood at 4 AM in your blood-soaked pajamas? In this Vintage story from 2011, Comic Book Writer and Educator Jason McNamara desperately wants out of his live-in relationship, but this self-professed coward can’t seem to confront his partner Elise.

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